
How to point an agent to different OMS

Environment: AIX5L, Oracle agent

1. Connect to target host as a user which owns Oracle agent installation (home)
2. go to $ORACLE_HOME/bin
3. stop the agent:
emctl stop agent
4. edit emd.properties
vi $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/emd.properties
5. replace old OMS with new OMS.
or for secure
6. check agentTZRegion=Australia/Sydney (or Australia/NSW)
7. go to sysman/emd
8. remove the following files:
rm -rf protocol.ini agntstmp.txt lastupld.xml recv/* collection/* upload/* state/*
9. go to bin
10. clean agent state:
emctl clearstate agent
11. unsecure agent:
emctl unsecure agent
12. (optional) secure agent again:
emctl secure agent passwd where passwd is a registration password
13. start agent:
emctl start agent
14. check the status:
emctl status agent
15. upload metric data (in 30 seconds or more):
emctl upload agent
16. check availability of targets in new EM GC
17. configure credentials of new connected targets within EM for all administrators whom belongs the targets.

In case of some problems during registration of targets in EM or errors during upload process (15) do the following:
1. Delete all targets from EM
2. Stop the agent on a host
3. Delete agent from EM
4. Change targets.xml file (save a copy) to remove everything but leave entries for oracle_emd (entry for agent) and for host (for server since there is no chance to add host in EM – it should be discovered)
5. Remove files from sysman/emd based on 8
6. Do steps 9-17

Subject: How to - Point an Agent to a different Grid Control OMS and Repository? Doc ID: Note:413228.1 Type: HOWTO Last Revision Date: 19-NOV-2007 Status: PUBLISHED


Oracle Generic Heterogeneous Services and Transparent Gateways

RHEL 4.5 Oracle 10.2
  1. install package unixODBC
  2. install package freeTDS, if u don’t have it for ur linux go to www.freetds.org and get the source
  3. configure /etc/freetds.conf (path can be different)
  4. try to connect with tsql
  5. configure files /etc/odbc.ini, /etc/odbcinst.ini, see www.unixodbc.org for details
  6. try to connect with isql (user and password are obligatory parameters)
  7. create and customize an initialization file for your Generic Connectivity agent $ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin/inithsodbc.ora
# HS init parameters
HS_FDS_SHAREABLE_NAME = /usr/lib/libodbc.so

# ODBC specific environment variables
set ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini
  1. add record in tnsnames.ora
HS1 =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp)(HOST = sydora2)(PORT = 1521))
(SID = hsodbc)
  1. add record in listener.ora
(ORACLE_HOME = /opt/oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)
(PROGRAM = extproc)
(SID_NAME = hsodbc)
(ORACLE_HOME = /opt/oracle/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1)
(PROGRAM = hsodbc)
  1. restart listener
  2. create and test db link
  3. repeat steps on another node if it is a cluster and test it on each node


cloning host with oracle database 9.2, 10.2

host was cloned to VMware.
oracle version
windows server 2003

it was also repeated with
oracle database 10.2.03
windows server 2003 SP1

rename database, instance and listener on new host
old db name: dcsdrp01
new db name: dcsdrt01
1. change tnsnames.ora for existing database (or u might connect to real production if u use tns)
2. add new database in tnsnames.ora
3. change listener.ora if u need listener (it has wrong host name)
4. create proper directories under d:\oracle\admin (depends on name convention and directory structure)
5. prepare new init.ora, default location for init.ora in windows is $ORACLE_HOME\database
6. prepare script to recreate control file.
use alter database backup controlfile to trace; and look in udump directory.
7. shutdown new database
8. configure listener.ora for new database
9. create password file for new database
orapwd file=D:\oracle\ora92\database\PWDDCSDRT01.ora password=password entries=10
10.  create windows service and START it! (you can not login to idle instance without it!)
oradim -new -sid DCSDRT01 -intpwd password -startmode a -pfile D:\oracle\admin\DCSDRT01\pfile\init.ora
11.  make sure original database (dcsdrp01) is down
12.  rename directories according to new init.ora file.
13.  delete current control files
14.  set ORACLE_SID=dcsdrt01
15.  sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
16.  startup nomount
17.  select * from v$instance;
18.  @new_controlfile.sql
19. alter database open resetlogs;
20. alter database rename global_name to dcsdrt01;
21. alter system switch logfile;
22. check connectivity thru listener
connect sys/password@dcsdrt01 as sysdba;
alter user system identified by password;
connect system/password@dcsdrt01
23. delete windows service of old instance
oradim -delete -sid dcsdrp01
24. disable or delete windows service of old listener
sc delete OracleOUIHome_dcsdrc2TNSListenerlistener_9i_dcsdrp01


Oracle LogMiner (1)

Oracle 9i (

select * from v$logfile;
-- using online redo log

select * from V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS
where seg_name ='S_PERIOD';
-- end and cleanup